Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: September 2006

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The American Is Coming!

Nope, that is not a misspost of the Americans are coming! My dear friend Melissa gets here tomorrow! Mel is the first of my visitors coming from stateside! As a busy psychologist and Mom to a two year old, we don't get to see one another as often as we'd like. That said, we do talk on the phone tons, but still it will be so very nice to see her IRL (in real life!). When I got the okay from Fulbright, I knew that Melissa would be one of the people who would come visit us here. Why? Because we have a history of crazy travel together. When I was living in St. Louis she came to visit me. When we were at uni together we drove to Florida in her Dad's massive towncar. No way can one look "cool" while driving in a towncar at the beach. We have even hit a deer together. It was an accident, really. We're also been "rescued" by firefighters together. That is a story for another post! I am so very chuffed that she is coming, and I've been acting like a 5 year old for the past two days-just as the teachers at work! So, Mel, thanks for coming cross the pond for a visit! We love you!
ML and EE

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Little Northern Irish Boy

Despite being born in Chicago and spending his first four years in the States, it would seem that my son is an all Belfast boy! Within 24 hours of coming here he started calling me Mummy unless he was very tired. At those times I regressed backing into being Mama. Given two weeks of living in the area, my friends, who are locals, started making comments about his changing accent. Add in a couple of more weeks and he started correcting my "English". One night while having a snack I asked him to put his trash into the trash can. Over a huffy breath he remarked that "Mummy, here we call it the bin". Right, my love, then put it into the bin! While he wants McD's, he now has beans and toast for "tea", attends assembly at school, asks for crisps (chips) for snack. He takes teatime break with his classmates, and enjoys the afternoon teatime break with his daycare friends. On Sunday night at our friends house he ran in for a "biscuit", said something to our host and then went out to play with his friends. Fred looked at me and said, " I hope you know that you are not taking an American child back to the States with you!" He's my all Belfast boy! Just think, we've only been here for about seven weeks now. What will it be like in six months?
Take care and love from Nore Iron!
ML and EE

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

British Council, Walking and AMericana

It seems that I do much more walking here in NI then I would at home. I walk each morning to the train station at the top of my road. I also walk to the shops, etc. Today I left school after 5th period so that I could attend Fulbright meetings at the British council. To get to my train from school I walked about 2.5 miles to the train station, then took the train to Great Victoria station. From there I walked to the British Council building in the city centre. The meetings were fab-it was great to talk to Reggie and cerene again. Turns out that Cerene is not far away, so we've made plans to get together soon! Tonight I was feeling a bit sad on the way home so I went by the shop to pick something up for tea. Our tea tonight was very American: pancakes, sausage and fruit. I've found something like american pancakes here. The only issue we had was that most people here have jam on them, not maple syrup. BUT, I found maple flavoured ice cream topping at Tesco that seems to be much like Mrs. Buttersworth! Woo hoo. I also found a Snickers bar-pure heaven! Is it awful that the taste of it made me want to cry? It just tasted like home, I can't explain why. :) Oh, the big news of the day is that we met the cultural affairs office from the American consulate today. She was amazing and very relaxed. We may have an invite to a Halloween party at here house. How cool would that be? As much as I like it here, and I really do, it was very nice to be with a group of Americans as well!
hugs to home!
ML and EE

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Sorry for no posting but my computer has been down. In other icky news, the ATM ATE my debit card cause it was a bit bent, and the train had issues yesterday so I had to WALK 2.5 miles UPhill in heels to school. I'm praying for good news soon.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Very Nice Day!

Today we went to Portadown (sp?) with Joan, one of the teachers in my dept. We decided to go to the bookstore at Queens University on the way through Belfast as we both needed to look for some books in Spanish. All I can say is WOW! The uni bookstore is amazing and I want to go back someday with the wee one is at nursery. Ditto for the general area. It so had that uni feel to it that I love! On then we went to the Exploritorium to see the exhibits. We had a wonderful time and Mr. E did pet a shark this time. The rays in the petting tank were so very friendly that they would pop out of the water and look at you waiting to be touched. It was very cool. One the trip down and back we must have enjoyed some of the most beautiful views in all Ireland. This is such a pretty place. Finally we went to Mt. Stewart to see the manor house and gardens. It was amazing. Yet again, the BL amazed me with his four year old self by saying: this is just so very pretty=the flowers are so colorful. So, thanks, Joan for a wonderful day-one that I'm sure we'll remember for a long time!

Who Are The People In Your Neighborhood?

As a fan of Mr. Rogers, I thought we'd focus this week on the people who are part of our everyday life and thus make us feel at home. (Right, that was a teaching objective if every there was one!). Readers will be able to identify and name people in the ML's world in NI. Um, okay, maybe it's time for a break from school? Oh, yes, it just started. Oh, well.
Today's victum: Paul, the stationmaster.
When I go to work in the morning on the train I almost always see Paul who sells tickets and is, I guess, in charge of the Greenisland Station. He has been so very n ice from the start, and was one of the first people that I came to know here (other then the friends and fam list). He is amazing with kids, and oh so very patient when the lower school boys (aged 13 or so) are pushing and play fighting near the tracks every morning. He also gives the little ones, like E, suckers and little treats. I thought it was just Paul til Margaret told me that their train guy gives balloons. Go figure! So, here's to Paul for making this american girl in ireland feel like a local!
We're off for the day with Joan, the Spanish, French, German, Italian teacher from school. Nifty, eh?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Feeling a bit wobbly

I got up this AM thinking about how 1/4 of my time here is already gone. I'm not sure how I feel about that. The first two weeks here were all about how wonderful things were and yet I missed home. Then about a month in I had an awful week. It ended and I stayed (so glad I didn't get on the plane to head home, which was what I was thinking). Then, the thought came to me this week-this feels like home. I like it here. I like teaching here. I have made some amazing friends. Yes, all in six weeks. I have started to be a regular in places. The butcher called me "luv" for the first time this week. I must be moving up in the world. I know the guy at the train station, the library ladies, the lunch ladies at school. I now know the names of many of the staff. I'm feeling much more okay with being here. Then, this AM as I was thinking about all of this, I realized that I'm not sure that I'd want to go home. I can't imagine not seeing some of these people who have made my stay so lovely, and who I'm so glad to call friends. This culture shock is tough work :)
night night.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why I'm Having Ice Cream for Lunch...

During the last three days my cold (given to me by the dear baby llama) has gone from bad to worse. By yesterday my voice was just a tiny bit of what it normally is. After a phone call to Mags we decided that I'd ring the VP in charge of staff and take the day. After all if you can't talk you can't teach. By bedtime my voice was totally gone. It is hit or miss today and I've been enjoying lots of milky tea and ice cream. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be better by tomorrow. In reality this happens every year at the start of school. I think it is the stress on my voice times the stress of starting school again. I'm taking a short break from my spot on the sofa watching daytime BBC programmes to update the blog and then back to the sofa I go. I hope to post about our weekend trip to the Giant's Causeway soon-it was beyond words. (and this coming from me!). Even E got into it stopping as we were half way back up, looking out over the sea and saying " it's really amazing mummy, right".
Yes, my love it is amazing and so are you!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Right then, Mrs!

Gee, I would not be a language teacher if I didn't LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the differences in language between here and home. As the title suggests, this post will list a few of the words in Brit speak and what we say back home. I'm listing as I'm sick, without much of a voice, and soon I'll be off to get some sleep!
Right then-EVERYONE uses right much in the say way we'd say okay.This is one I find myself using!
okay then, mrs. -mrs is any woman. what is amazing to me is that women will use it with other women.
-cheerio (sp?). nope, not the cereal. I thought it a myth, but people really do say this and not good-bye or see ya. E does this one well!
-luv: dear and used by just about anyone.
-knackered: really tired.
-chuffed: really pleased about something
-dear: expensive or important
-snog: make out. don't ask how I know about this one, okay?
-lad and lass really are used as well!
-well done: good job
-good man: good boy
-pur: poor-it took me awhile to figure out this one!
-sorted: like the hat in HP-figured out.
-drawing pin: thumb tack/push pin
-more to come soon.
Right then, I'm knackered from work today and my throat is feeling pur so well done for reading, i'm really chuffed, i am , mrs! Cheerio!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back from shopping!

Well we headed off this AM to the city centre on the bus with our list as follows:
1. E's uniform for a club that is somewhat like Boy Scouts.
2. A lunch box
3. The DVD that goes with his school's phonics program.
4. A small treat for E.
5. American fast food.
Yes, I know that fast food is awful and that we should be enjoying the local food. Truth be told, I really would rather have the local foods, but when we are near a McD or KFC I feel bad telling E no. We're not near them all that often and other then that we are enjoying local cuisine. Heading from the bus we went up and down the main street looking for what we needed. Regular readers will be amazed to know that I did not even go into Lush today! Nor did I go to the BBC store. That must be a first (in fact I know that it is!). We did go to Eason's (like BandN) and I had planned to go to Waterstones, but we went into WH Smith for the first time. There I found a reward chart for E heading into nursery without tears or a fuss. We took the lift downstairs only to be in what I have to describe as like an American mega bookstore. AMAZING! I want to go back one day while E is at nursery and hit all three of the big bookstores downtown! We went to Mark's and Spencer, but for once I could not find a thing I wanted or needed. I had planned to go to Mothercare (great store!) for a baby gift and a new jumper for E, but by the end of the day we were both too tired! We headed off to Castle Court the mall and had lunch at KFC. We both had the kids meal. Next we were off to ELC (early learning centre)-we need this store in the States. They have the most amazing toys and books. We got E the phonics DVD that we were after and then we looked at things that "Father Christmas" might bring. Off then to the Disney store for E's lunch box. He got one from the movie Cars. His PE bag is also the same theme. Imagine his look when on the first day of school he discovered that the classroom theme is the same thing! I'm off to do more laundry. I've already got the uniforms done for the week. I'm finished hoovering and clearning bathrooms, floors, and kitchens, now all I've got to do is make my TESCO list for the week!
Hugs from NI!
DM and EE

Friday, September 08, 2006

It's Friday! Woo hoo!

The end of the first full week is here! In some ways, it feels like I've been at my new school for a very long time, and in others I still feel a bit thick. The girls and staff have been wonderful. I really like this area and we've made friends with the neighbors and at least one of the teachers and her family. I'm also starting to see friendly faces at the shops, the library (LOVE the library ladies!), etc. All of those things help it to feel more like home. I like that when the phone rings now it is for us more than it is someone who did not know that Carol is away this term! E's second day in school was a success. I'm glad that I decided to send him and not keep him at nursery for another year! I'm also getting fond of uniforms-why are we so anti-uniform in the states? In other news, I'm not going to London next weekend. I just can't see going for the day or one overnight when I could wait and go with family. I may never get another invite to the embassy, but my family comes first. Both Louise and Paul and my friend Margaret have invited E to spend the night if I wanted to go, and he would be in awesome hands at both places, but I just feel like he has had so many changes that I don't want to be away any more than I need to. We're looking forward to the weekend and lunchbox shopping. Now, if only I could find a wonderful and yet kid friendly list of things to put into said lunchbox!
ML and EE

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The First Day of School!

I'm no longer the Mum of a baby as today was the first day of school for Ethan. Here P1 is much like K at home, but children start at 4 not 5 years. I was a bit worried, as E has not done well with me leaving him at nursery the past few days. He is happy as a lark when I pick him up, but the mornings are hard! We rode to school with our neighbour Paul and his boys Adam and Lewis. Lewis is in E's class and he started yesterday. Walking the boys to the playground through the school gates was like something out of an English novel. Suddenly there were tons of little boys and girls with the school uniform on. There are two versions of this uniform. The informal one is a green polo with the school crest, a light gray jumper (sweatshirt) with the crest and dark gray trousers or short pants. (Yes, I went with the shorts-there is nothing cuter then a little boy with short pants and knee socks). Black school shoes, a school jacket and matching backpack complete the outfit. The formal uniform is much the same but changes the polo and sweatshirt for a white shirt, green and black tie and a grey v-neck jumper (sweater this time!). It looks very "smart" but given E's issues with buttons I didn't think it would go! He went right in and sat down at his desk. His name strip has a little black and white cow on it! The teacher had an activity for each child to do right away. E's was a magnetic board with colorful shapes. He did a wonderful job of getting right to work! He also has a peg with a red star and his name in the cloak room. His PE bag with uniform goes there as well as his coat. His backpack goes on the back of his chair! He was very happy coming out of school. We walked home with the Nursery group so that he will know the lady tomorrow. I had promised him a "sweet" from the shop across the road, so he picked two pieces of candy at five pence (say P) each. I can deal with that! I haven't heard the whole story, but it seems that there was outside play time, station playtime inside, a story, etc. They also counted stairs. He didn't want to take his uniform off! He has a bit of his lunch on his jumper so that has to go inot the wash tonight, but that's okay. It seems that he was able to put on his PE uniform and shoes by himself and then to dress again. Such a big change and such a big boy! I did get some good pictures and I'll try to post them soon!
ML and EE

Bisquick and Iced tea!

We are having a wonderful week. The new bedding is here and the new fridge as well! Mr. TEsco came last night at about 9:30. We're now, short of a trip for milk and butter, stocked up on things again! It's funnny the things you miss when you are away, that you don't think about at home. Mr. E has been wanting a real biscuit (bread not cookie) and so I've been looking for recipes. Biscquick would be easy, but it's not so easy to find here. BUT last night Mr. Tesco came with Bisquick in hand! We're going to make biscuits tonight to celebrate E's first day of school (more on that in tonight's post!). Also, I've really been missing sweet iced tea. The thought came today that all I'd have to do was make some and find a container larger enough to store it in. So, as of this writing I am enjoying a glass of iced tea, a digestive biscuit and some Pringles. Odd, but true, Pringles are everywhere here!
hugs til tonight!
ML and EE

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Waiting til five.........

so that I can order from-get this-Pizza Hut! It has been a really long week for many reasons, but I thought we both needed a "taste" of home, thus the pizza. Our fridge died this week and the new one will not be here til Wed, so we're ordering out and eating out of the freezer. Not the end of the world. So, on with the update.
Church: The second Sunday we were here (much too tired the first!) we went to the local Baptist church. People were very nice, but it just didn't "fit". This week, Margaret thought we should try the local Pres. church. Also, they just finished having an American MDiv student as their intern, so we thought it might be a good fit. The service was very nice, E enjoyed their kids club called KFC (no chicken that I can tell!) and I think we'll go back next week. I met the Mom of one of E's friends from Nursery, as well as a couple of other people. One very nice couple was amazed to find out that we're from IN as their DS is working in Indy for six months! I guess he really likes it there! It made me feel happy and yet a little sad to meet someone who has a local tie to home!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

People from the UK in Madison (other than Carol!)

One of the first things I do every morning is to go to the online site of my hometown paper-The Madison Courier. It's nice to read the headlines about people and things that I know. I think it keeps me a little less homesick! This AM I was thrilled to see a story about two guys from the UK (England) who are walking across the USA and are in Madison! You can read the story at www.madisoncourier.com and I really enjoyed going to their site to read their update from home. One called Madison his fav town so far! We had a feeling it was special! I've bookmarked their site so that I can follow their travels. Fun! OH, off to get ready to go downtown so that I can buy a new alarm clock. Have a great day!
ML and EE

Friday, September 01, 2006

School, food, and the girls

Today was my second full day of school with the girls there. I have now met all of my students minus one who is still on holliday. The girls have been lovely, and there are many please, thank you, and excuse me's issued to one another as well as teachers. It's funny to just be called "miss". Here they wait outside the classroom until you ask them in. "may we come in, miss?". Um, wow! I think we've had two good days. I'm still a bit in awe. I'm glad it's the weekend as the first three weeks of school always make me very tired. E has been such a good boy about going to his new nursery that we're going to the city centre tomorrow to buy a new DVD. I think Mummy needs something new as well! Oh, and I dropped my alarm clock, which went to pieces today, so I need to get a new one. I also need a new umbrella. This has been quite a week! OH well! Did I tell you that the fridge died this AM? I should have known when my breakfast was room temp! The oven is not working either and tonight I smashed a bug! So, tomorrow will be better, right?
love from Belfast,
ML and EE