Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: February 2006

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Monday, February 27, 2006


This past year feels alot like hurry up and wait. Here is my paper trail so far:
May 05 Fill out Fulbright application
Oct 05-Important people(Hi Mike and Steve) sign an Okay for me to go.
Dec-05: Interivew at U of L
Jan 06-Letter of accecptance from Fulbright
Feb 06-Call from Fulbright re: Ireland.
I just don't wait well. I run home everyday hoping that there will be info on my exchange partner in the mail (post).

Friday, February 24, 2006

El Viaje: Part I

My name is Michele and I am a high school Spanish teacher in Southern Indiana. This is my 7th year in the classroom. Last May I filled out the application for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange never dreaming that I would even get an interview. Well, I had my interview at U of L on Dec. 10th. I was told that no news was good news in January. When the envelope came at the end of the month I was sure that I had NOT gotten it. Supprise! It was good news. Last Wednesday during third period I got a phone call from Fulbright asking if I would go to Ireland. Sure. After all my Dad's family came from there many years ago. I'm looking forward to recording my experiences on this blog as a way of creating a "journal" as well as staying in touch withthe folks back home. If all goes well I should get "official" paperwork the middle of March. It would be so cool if it came on St. Patrick's day. Even cooler if it was there today when I got home!
Til latter!
Mama Llama