Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: It's Friday! Woo hoo!

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Friday, September 08, 2006

It's Friday! Woo hoo!

The end of the first full week is here! In some ways, it feels like I've been at my new school for a very long time, and in others I still feel a bit thick. The girls and staff have been wonderful. I really like this area and we've made friends with the neighbors and at least one of the teachers and her family. I'm also starting to see friendly faces at the shops, the library (LOVE the library ladies!), etc. All of those things help it to feel more like home. I like that when the phone rings now it is for us more than it is someone who did not know that Carol is away this term! E's second day in school was a success. I'm glad that I decided to send him and not keep him at nursery for another year! I'm also getting fond of uniforms-why are we so anti-uniform in the states? In other news, I'm not going to London next weekend. I just can't see going for the day or one overnight when I could wait and go with family. I may never get another invite to the embassy, but my family comes first. Both Louise and Paul and my friend Margaret have invited E to spend the night if I wanted to go, and he would be in awesome hands at both places, but I just feel like he has had so many changes that I don't want to be away any more than I need to. We're looking forward to the weekend and lunchbox shopping. Now, if only I could find a wonderful and yet kid friendly list of things to put into said lunchbox!
ML and EE


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