Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: Right then, Mrs!

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Right then, Mrs!

Gee, I would not be a language teacher if I didn't LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the differences in language between here and home. As the title suggests, this post will list a few of the words in Brit speak and what we say back home. I'm listing as I'm sick, without much of a voice, and soon I'll be off to get some sleep!
Right then-EVERYONE uses right much in the say way we'd say okay.This is one I find myself using!
okay then, mrs. -mrs is any woman. what is amazing to me is that women will use it with other women.
-cheerio (sp?). nope, not the cereal. I thought it a myth, but people really do say this and not good-bye or see ya. E does this one well!
-luv: dear and used by just about anyone.
-knackered: really tired.
-chuffed: really pleased about something
-dear: expensive or important
-snog: make out. don't ask how I know about this one, okay?
-lad and lass really are used as well!
-well done: good job
-good man: good boy
-pur: poor-it took me awhile to figure out this one!
-sorted: like the hat in HP-figured out.
-drawing pin: thumb tack/push pin
-more to come soon.
Right then, I'm knackered from work today and my throat is feeling pur so well done for reading, i'm really chuffed, i am , mrs! Cheerio!


Blogger Kath said...

LOL, glad you're enjoying the British English. Mrs is a friendly, pally thing to say, not something you'd say to someone you don't know well, generally. Alot of the words you've listed are regional, so they are known in most places in the UK but used more in some regions than others (e.g. luv, chuffed) and knackered is well known but not quite a "nice" thing to say, you wouldn't say it in polite company! Sometimes people say "cream crackered" instead to sound less bad.

I'm enjoying reading your NI experiences.

1:03 PM  

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