Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: British Council, Walking and AMericana

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

British Council, Walking and AMericana

It seems that I do much more walking here in NI then I would at home. I walk each morning to the train station at the top of my road. I also walk to the shops, etc. Today I left school after 5th period so that I could attend Fulbright meetings at the British council. To get to my train from school I walked about 2.5 miles to the train station, then took the train to Great Victoria station. From there I walked to the British Council building in the city centre. The meetings were fab-it was great to talk to Reggie and cerene again. Turns out that Cerene is not far away, so we've made plans to get together soon! Tonight I was feeling a bit sad on the way home so I went by the shop to pick something up for tea. Our tea tonight was very American: pancakes, sausage and fruit. I've found something like american pancakes here. The only issue we had was that most people here have jam on them, not maple syrup. BUT, I found maple flavoured ice cream topping at Tesco that seems to be much like Mrs. Buttersworth! Woo hoo. I also found a Snickers bar-pure heaven! Is it awful that the taste of it made me want to cry? It just tasted like home, I can't explain why. :) Oh, the big news of the day is that we met the cultural affairs office from the American consulate today. She was amazing and very relaxed. We may have an invite to a Halloween party at here house. How cool would that be? As much as I like it here, and I really do, it was very nice to be with a group of Americans as well!
hugs to home!
ML and EE


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