Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: June 2006

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Friday, June 30, 2006

The parade (and things that I'll miss)

Tonight was the Regatta/4th of July parade here in town. We had such a wonderful time seeing old friends, and being part of the adoption float. I've been working on the Fulbright in someway or another for over a year now. During that time, I've been "full steam ahead" and really excited. Tonight, I think the reality of leaving for six months has kicked in a bit. I had such fun seeing all of these people who are really important to me, and I realized that for a bit it will not be as easy. It also made me think about all of those wonderful people in my life and and lucky I am. So Mom and Dad, Ang and crew, Shirley and Jake, Rob and Susan and everyone else-thanks for a great night-and thanks for being there!
The Mama Llama

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The VERY cute Fed Ex guy........

came today with our Visas for our Fulbright trip. What, you thought I'd have cool news about a cute Fed Ex guy and not tell you on the phone? The poor guy came when I was at E's swim lesson and our cleaning lady V would not answer the door. Because I REALLY needed the passports etc in the packet I called Fed Ex and the found the driver who then came back to my house (how cool is that) right away. I feel so very much better having them in hand. Oh, and if by some strange reason, Mr. FedEx, you are reading this (and how crazy would that be), Thanks tons for helping out and being a good sport! Anyway, other than buying tickets to DC, I think this is the last bit of paperwork that I have to do. Tomorrow the Baby Llama and I will be in our local 4th of July parade for our adoption group. I'll try (and we all know what an iffy thing this is) to post pix tomorrow of the float. I did, get my suitcases down from upstairs tonight, so I'm starting to think about packing. I just about go crazy thinking about how to pack everything we're going to need. Only one month to go............oh my!

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Last Bit of Paperwork (I hope)

Well, as of Wednesday the last bit of paperwork is done. I think that there was less paperwork in adoption my DS, then there has been this past year! My visa application and 1.24 billion needed info (passports, birth certs, etc) are on their way to the British Consulate in Chicago. We should have our entry visas in about a week or two. In other related news, I am reading the BEST book. (Okay, so I know that I think every book I read is the best) It's called Rules, Britania and is written by a UK expat who lives with her family in Chicago. Yummy and funny info about life in the UK. Got to say that I love the lists of words that cause giggles! I'm also reading 1-2-3- Magic about parenting. When three people that you trust talk about the same book in a short period of time, it may be a hint to read it :) Also looking to read Susan Wise Bauer's History of the World Vol. 1 as I may think about using it for E's school next year. For those of you in the know, Wise-Bauer is the co-author of "The Well TRained Mind" which I think should be required reading for anyone teaching-homeschool or classroom. I'll blog more when I have news!
The Mama Llama

Monday, June 12, 2006

Chicago-so very much my kind of town

Well, Laura (my admin) from school and I are back from the one day Chicago Fulbright pre-orientation orientation (make sense?). Anyway, tons of good news, info., chats with former Fulbrighters etc. The only sad thing was that P. Suave, of Cuke Co, MI was not there. I was so very excited to see his name tag and then, the poor pickled one was elsewhere. Oh, well. Next time, maybe?! After the meetings Laura and I headed out to see the sites and really enjoyed the King Tut exhibit at the Field. It's there til Jan. 07, so go check it out. King Tut, himself was not there, but there were rooms and rooms of stuff from his tumb and his family. We did a bit of shopping in the Loop, rode the train, ate FAR too much (including awesome brownie cheesecake and pasta). If you are reading Laura thanks tons-I had a ball! Can't wait til it's time to go!

Friday, June 02, 2006

We've got news!

That's right, we here at MamaLlama Inc have news from the Fulbright people! My orientation pack came in the mail yesterday and I also talked to the Fulbright person in charge of my program. It seems that my exchange partner has not turned in something that they needed. Sooooooo, I talked with Carol last night and she is posting the doccument this AM. The orientation looks really cool. They have theme activities for the kids while we are in meetings. One day is "A Very Happy Unbirthday" Party for the kids. They are also going to go on some field trips to local museums but as the little Llama does not turn five in time, he will not be able to go to the off site trips. That's okay. Somehow I feel a little bit better having him onsite! It looks like we are going to fly into Dublin and not Belfast as it is TONS less costly and I'd rather have the money to do some trips while we are inEurope. Other than that we are just enjoying the Summer and some down time til VBS starts on Monday. Somehow, I have a feeling that this summer is going to fly by. We've already made trips to the local zoo and the Children's muesum.
Til next time,