Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: September 2007

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Yellow Belt

Look who got his yellow belt last Thursday at the test! It took six months of hard work in the kids class! Ethan was the only one ready to test in his class. As such, he had to test first and by himself in front of the Grand Master! Did I tell you what a great job he did? When he first started he had such a hard time with almost all the moves. Now he does great! His gross motor skills have come such a long way! Tonight his teacher told me that she hopes that he will stick with it as he has a natural ability! Looks like Mama needs to head back to class!

Ethan with his Teacher.
Ethan with Master Frank.
I have a picture of E with the Grand Master but I'll post it another day.
Take care for now!
ML and the kick bum Baby Llama!


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Greenisland Primary School

When we moved to NI last year we were lucky enough to have Ethan start K at a wonderful school there. Greenisland Primary School is a wonderful neighbourhood school, which was located at the top of our road. With caring teachers, a great principal and about 400 kids, Ethan was set to go. The first photo (sorry about the position!) is of E on his first day of school. Note the uniform. The older kids had white shirt and a striped green and grey tie with a green jumper. I love little ones in short pants!

Here we have Mr. Ethan with his best friends Adam and Lewis the morning that school started for Ethan. Lewis started P1 the day before and Adam was in P5.
Our school in all it's glory. The part in the picture is the lunchroom/gym room/met. room all in all useful space!
While we had talked about uniforms with the boys all summer, I guess it didn't click as Ethan and Lewis took one look at each other and said: "We Match"!
Ethan on his first day, in his classroom with Mrs. Furlonger on of the two techers who job shared the P! room.

Friday, September 07, 2007


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Look it's me again (2 days in a row!)

You know, I've never posted NI pix and thought that I'd do a couple of random ones tonight.

The view from about half way up my road in Greenisland. I had to make it to the top to get to the train station. Most days I had about 9 minutes to make the train.

Next we have a last week trip to the beach with our friends and neighbours Lewis and Adam. The beach was just about a 5 minute walk from our house. Pretty, no? Have I said that I wanna go back?



Thursday, September 06, 2007

So, this morning.....

I got up, let the dog out, did my usual morning thing...........than........ I hear my neighbour saying something about how lucky I am. Yes, I am lucky, but why this morning, during our AM "dog talk"? See, there is no school for SWHS and SWMS today because of a water leak and no power! I would have totally missed it! She heard it on the news. I still can't find it online or on tv, but I did have a phone call from the phone tree, so it must be true! Hmmmmmm, do I go shopping by myself? What do I do with a whole day? Oh, yes, working on my grad school will be in there! That is for sure! Well, enjoy your day!