Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: February 2007

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Snow Day!

Gee, what a week! The Colts won the SuperBowl (great game and I dont even like american football!)., we've had two days with two hour delays, we go to family camp on Friday, oh, a nd we have a snow day today. The roads were so very bad by t he time that I left school on Tues, that I had no idea how I'd get home (Grace of God and prayer!) because you couldn't even see the very hilly road that I drive on. Anyway, we got the news of no school by four pm yesterday. We're enjoying a jammy day today. My Mom is driving me pplenty nuts, but that is her job! On friday, we're joining some friends whose kiddos are from Haiti to go to Family Adoption Camp. We've been to a summer one before, but normally can't go to this one as it means taking a day off of school. This year I decided that we needed to go. I need to connect with other adoptive parents, and I think seeing the diversity in families will be good for Ethan. We leave early Friday morning for a four hour drive and get back on Sunday. The camp is held at a hotel with a playcentre. Should be fun. More later.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hey, we made it to 100 posts!

I don't like this whole new blogger thing. Nothing wrong with it really, it's ju st that I don't like change :). Anyhoo, good news at SW (my US school) the book fair team has won the NATIONAL Scholastic book fair contest. They are flying a VERY cute author in from England to speak to the kids and there are other prizes as well. So, WELL DONE Angy and Rena! Kids as well! Go on, check us out at www.scholastic.com and look under middle school book fair winners!
In other news, it's Saturday, we're vegging at home and I just made a SuperBowl dip for tomorrow. Cream cheese, cheddar (not like the stuff back home :), and hot sauce mixed with cooked diced chicken and baked. Serve with chips. Not as nice a cheeseburger soup, but oh well! We went to the local fish place today, which only serves to remind us how much we miss our chippy back in Greenisland! The place is class! Ace! Today's was so very chain based fast food. ick. Walmart for coloured pencils for Mr. E's math book. We are very much loving our homescooling existance. The lit and reading is great, Math U See is a success, the Bible program is good, but Mr. E is not liking phonics. This from the kid who was in the top reading group at school in Greenisland. Go figure :) Oh, well, off to play with the dog (Fuzzy).
PS-looked into Irish Dancing class for E for this summer. Not sure if I want to drive an hour e ach way.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Let It Snow.

Well, for all of you NI fans who have not been blessed by a two hour delay, let me explain. When the schools are not sure if the roads are safe, or when there is snow, but it is expected to get better, the schools call a two hour delay. This AM I looked out the window, turned on the TV and checked the net and sure enough we have a two hour delay. What this means is that we don't have to go to school til 9:45 and not 7:45 like normal (BUT 9 still seems like normal to me thanks to the S girls!). I'm messing on the computer and letting E sleep. Oh, girls, tell mme. abernethy to check her e-mail. Anyway, there is a small chance that they will call off school for the day, but my guess is that we'll go. That is okay by me, cause you don't have to make up a delay at the end of the year, but snow days get added on to the last day of school. I'm guessing that there is at least an inch out there, but maybe more. It's going to snow til about 10 AM here and we may get more tomorrow (Friday). Missing you all loads!