Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: March 2006

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

One more step :)

Well, as of last night we have the boards okay. I don't know why I was so worried as they were very open to the idea. Now, I just have to mail me okay to Fulbright as well as remind my school admin to mail theirs. Oh, and some bloodwork for the medical forms. Got to love that as I am WAY needle phobic. Joy :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Baby Llama's Take on It All

E now informs people: "I'm going to Ireland this summer". I wanna stay a long time." He wanted to know if there were playgrounds and slides there. Being told yes, he now is fine with going. He wants to go to school there and he will. He will be part of a PI (like K) class in our new town. He still will not wear buttons and that makes the uniform seem like it might be an issue. The Llama's new idea on Ireland "It is very far away and you have to sleep on the airplane". Yes, please little Llama sleep on the plane as it is an overnight flight and I'm not sure what we would do for eight or so hours.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hello Carol! (The Mama Llama Calls Ireland!)

Well, after a few issues, I figured out how to call Belfast today. I got to talk to Carol my exchange partner. She seems so very cool. I also have some information about her school and where Ethan will go to school. He will be in P1 (something like our kinder). I also got to know a bit about her family, etc. We are e-mailing til we meet up in DC in July. I am so excited about this! What a cool thing! I'm off to enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Mama Llama

Friday, March 10, 2006

New News Is Good News!

Well, after rushing home everyday for the last two weeks hoping to find news from Fulbright it happened today! Somehow as I was going to go get the mail I had a feeling that the info. would be here today. Sure enough there was a large package from the US Gov't. Why is it that getting mail from the govt still makes me a little worried :) The info. packet had a letter with info about the exchange, a list of last year (or is it this year)'s Fulbrighters by state and location, a guide to Fulbright in the UK and lots and lots of paperwork. Now, we still have a few things in our path.....my principal and super still have to agree to this match (the last time they had to agree to let me be part of the program), I have to agree and the same thing has to be done "across the pond". I called Mike (my dear principal-Hi Mike!)'s secretary to get my exchange partner's phone number, address and e-mail address. I also got to find out a bit more about her including the fact that we have similar families and we both have sons! I can't believe this might really be happening! (Almost a year, a multi-page application, an interview, etc later we might just have the chance to live out one of my childhood dreams-living in Europe!)
Til later!
Mama Llama

Thursday, March 02, 2006

It's March!

It's finally March and the weather here is just beautiful. Hey, it's March-Fulbright info. where are you? I'll be running home yet again to check my mail for an update. We've had a great time making Carnival masks on Tuesday. I like the chance to talk about all of the "parts" that make Hispanic life what it is. The kids just like anything that is hands on. I'll try to post some pictures as the masks look great!