Well, after rushing home everyday for the last two weeks hoping to find news from Fulbright it happened today! Somehow as I was going to go get the mail I had a feeling that the info. would be here today. Sure enough there was a large package from the US Gov't. Why is it that getting mail from the govt still makes me a little worried :) The info. packet had a letter with info about the exchange, a list of last year (or is it this year)'s Fulbrighters by state and location, a guide to Fulbright in the UK and lots and lots of paperwork. Now, we still have a few things in our path.....my principal and super still have to agree to this match (the last time they had to agree to let me be part of the program), I have to agree and the same thing has to be done "across the pond". I called Mike (my dear principal-Hi Mike!)'s secretary to get my exchange partner's phone number, address and e-mail address. I also got to find out a bit more about her including the fact that we have similar families and we both have sons! I can't believe this might really be happening! (Almost a year, a multi-page application, an interview, etc later we might just have the chance to live out one of my childhood dreams-living in Europe!)
Til later!
Mama Llama