Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: New News Is Good News!

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Friday, March 10, 2006

New News Is Good News!

Well, after rushing home everyday for the last two weeks hoping to find news from Fulbright it happened today! Somehow as I was going to go get the mail I had a feeling that the info. would be here today. Sure enough there was a large package from the US Gov't. Why is it that getting mail from the govt still makes me a little worried :) The info. packet had a letter with info about the exchange, a list of last year (or is it this year)'s Fulbrighters by state and location, a guide to Fulbright in the UK and lots and lots of paperwork. Now, we still have a few things in our path.....my principal and super still have to agree to this match (the last time they had to agree to let me be part of the program), I have to agree and the same thing has to be done "across the pond". I called Mike (my dear principal-Hi Mike!)'s secretary to get my exchange partner's phone number, address and e-mail address. I also got to find out a bit more about her including the fact that we have similar families and we both have sons! I can't believe this might really be happening! (Almost a year, a multi-page application, an interview, etc later we might just have the chance to live out one of my childhood dreams-living in Europe!)
Til later!
Mama Llama


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