Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: Happy Thanksgiving

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

It was the most odd feeling this morning to wake up, know that it was Thanksgiving, and have to go to work. That said, I was greeted by fellow staff members wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving and giving hugs. It was almost enough to make me cry! I got to my desk and found a lovely Thanksgiving card (my second) from my friend Joan! The first two periods I had a lovely Thanksgiving day breakfast with nine of my 6th Form girls. I provided the turkey adn dressing and the girls did the rest. I must say, they did a wonderful job! I talked about Turkey day with all of my classes and then we did a Thanksgiving day activity/writing. Still, it was a long day and a bit emotional. Tonight I am starting to cook for my Saturday Thanksgiving feast for twenty! The broc. bake is in the fridge (just add topping and bake), the sweet potatoes have been baked and will be mashed before I go to bed (I hope :). The baby potatoes have been cooked. Tomorrow night I will make the greenbeans, the corn, and boil the eggs (and make the filling). Sat. will be clean the house, assemble the food and hope that there is enough! People have been so kind that I think making a Thanksgiving meal is the least I can do.
Feeling a bit teary!


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