The Mama Llama in Ireland
The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and
This past year feels alot like hurry up and wait. Here is my paper trail so far: May 05 Fill out Fulbright application Oct 05-Important people(Hi Mike and Steve) sign an Okay for me to go. Dec-05: Interivew at U of L Jan 06-Letter of accecptance from Fulbright Feb 06-Call from Fulbright re: Ireland. I just don't wait well. I run home everyday hoping that there will be info on my exchange partner in the mail (post).
El Viaje: Part I
My name is Michele and I am a high school Spanish teacher in Southern Indiana. This is my 7th year in the classroom. Last May I filled out the application for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange never dreaming that I would even get an interview. Well, I had my interview at U of L on Dec. 10th. I was told that no news was good news in January. When the envelope came at the end of the month I was sure that I had NOT gotten it. Supprise! It was good news. Last Wednesday during third period I got a phone call from Fulbright asking if I would go to Ireland. Sure. After all my Dad's family came from there many years ago. I'm looking forward to recording my experiences on this blog as a way of creating a "journal" as well as staying in touch withthe folks back home. If all goes well I should get "official" paperwork the middle of March. It would be so cool if it came on St. Patrick's day. Even cooler if it was there today when I got home! Til latter! Mama Llama