Terror Alert Level The Mama Llama in Ireland: Thank you!

The Mama Llama in Ireland

The Trip of a lifetime. Small town Spanish teacher moves to Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach for a term. Said teacher makes friends, learns to love NI food and

Friday, January 19, 2007

Thank you!

To all those amazing people who have helped, made us feel welcome, or just been there. Words alone will never express how lucky we feel to know you. Thank you. (and sorry if we forget anyone)
Muriel: The aging gazelle. For being there, listening, cheering.
Joan: The travel buddy. We'll always have the drive to Dublin and our trips to Ayre and Exploris.
Margaret: Thanks for getting us past the hard first few days.
Heather: For knowing how to fix just about anything.
Jennifer: She who glides :). For E's Santa at Christmas, knitting, making me laugh and think, and Wed. lunches, coke with ice and toasties.
Pat: For keeping me on my toes and on track. Ed visits were amazing. It's great to see a woman in power who loves what she does :).
Viv, Susan and the Mod Squad, for being the most AMAZING dept. a girl could every hope for! I'll miss you loads!
Fiona: AM and PM trips to and from school, Santa train, tea (and TEA!), the kids, future in-laws and too much to even thank about!
Paul and Louise: MANY, many, many cups of tea. smiles and laughter, TEA, TEA, TEA! Shopping trips to MandS and TESCO :0, Mr. Tesco. Chocolate and biscuits and biscuits and chocolate. Fuses, lights and Paul standing on a chair.
Girls: You are the most amazing bunch of people I've ever known. Thank you for letting me spend this year with you. You've taught me tons!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Stewrt! Its Clare Haldane i'm in your 3rd year class! The whole class will really miss you!

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Miss Stewart !! Im Laura Wilson (i was in da sme class as Clare!!) lol . Just wanted to say thanks again n we ill miss u so youd better come n visit us b4 we leave Strathearn!! lol hpe u had a gd flight hme n dat u injoyed living in Northern Ireland !! x x x x lu*

6:51 AM  

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